Thank you very much for the following sessions for the Communityspeaker and our Sponsors!

Here we introduce the lineup for SPS Cologne 2020:


10 Tips to let Conditional Access improve your security

Securing your data and your identity is one of the most important things in modern IT. In this session i’ll walk you through the ten most important things to consider when implementing Conditional Access.

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Advanced

Language: English

Speaker: Ralph Eckhard (MVP) 



7 things to consider when launching Power Apps in your organization

With the omnipresent smartphone and millenials expecting an app for everything, the demand keeps on rising. Power Apps is a great tool to answer these questions. It provides citizen developers and IT with the tools needed to quickly and effectively build applications on top of your business data.

However, no good ever comes of just releasing something into an organization without proper preparation, governance and a framework surrounding it. In this session we will cover seven of the essential things that you should consider before enabling Power Apps for your people and guidance to make the right decision for your situation.

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Introduction and overview

Language: English

Speaker: Carmen Ysewijn


Boost user experience in your business processes with Adaptive Cards

Cards are in Office 365 for some time already. Originally created as Message Cards after some time rebuilt from nearly a scratch to become Adaptive Cards. Today they can be used in Microsoft Teams and Outlook. This session will let you to learn:

• What is a difference between Message and Adaptive Cards,
• How to design cards,
• How to use them – a working example
• What to expect from the upcoming releases and version vNext (2.0)

Process designers should make their processes as intuitive as possible, allowing their participants to take their part in the most effective way, whether this is an e-mail, Teams conversation or a task somewhere in Office 365. Using Cards helps creating new channel for efficient participation in business processes.

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Introduction and overview

Language: English

Speaker: Tomasz Poszytek



Building a world without passwords

Passwords are the weakest link for security and your business. During this session, learn how we’ve been tackling the issue of passwords and how you can build a strategy for your organization to eliminate passwords from the day-to-day lives of your end-users. We’ll share the latest solutions and investments in this space, including Windows Hello, Microsoft Authenticator, and FIDO security keys. Come learn how you can incorporate password-less authentication into your MFA strategy and provide secure authentication to your end users during this demo packed session.

Microsoft Productgroup Azure Active Directory / Identity

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Advanced

Language: English

Speaker: Stefan van der Wiele


Design Thinking. Microsoft Teams Designing.

User adoption in Microsoft Teams environment is a hot topic. Being a Microsoft Service Adoption Specialist is a challenge. In addition to that,  organizations are different (size, industry, sector, etc.). Therefore there is not only one the same and the best way to drive Teams’ adoption in each company.

Fortunately, there are a few different tools that may support you with planning and setting adoption projects. One of them is the design thinking method which helps define the key challenges and scenarios by working together with the client. Results you are getting after design thinking customer workshops indicate a direction to run successful Microsoft Teams adoption. 

During my session, I will share my insights and experience in using design thinking methods and Microsoft Teams. You will see the real customer cases where this method proved to be a priceless help in driving Microsoft Teams adoption projects.

categorie: Development 

Level: Intermediate

Language: English

Speaker: Edyta Gorzon (MVP)

Ensuring High Value MS Teams in an Agile organisation

A number of companies have been introducing MS teams to their users. But with great power comes great responsibility, and unleashing teams can become messy pretty quick.

Our objective is simply to deliver a high rate of Adoption for MS teams so we need to understand the value put on MS Teams functionality from the business

We start by looking at MS Teams Governance V functionality and how business value are aligned.
We will specifically introduce techniques like Kono and User stories, to assess the high value items for our AGILE backlog for priority delivery.

categorie: User

Level: Intermediate

Language: English

Speaker: Steve Dalby (MVP)



How to organize, host and participate in meetings with Microsoft teams. A user story.

Mit der Einführung von Microsoft Teams zieht auch die Möglichkeit der Meetings ins Unternhemen ein. Keine Große Sache mag man denken, aber dann kommen doch Fragen auf. In dieser Session wollen wir gemeinsam eine Rundreise durch das Thema Meetings mit Microsoft Teams machen und schauen wie wir ein Meeting planen und was bei der Durchführung zu beachten ist. Muss ich meinen Teams-Client konfigurieren? Wie nimmt denn ein externer Teilnehmer am Meeting teil und was ist wenn dieser unterwegs ist und sich nur per Telefon einwählen kann? Welche Berechtigungensrollen gibt es und was steckt dahinter? Kann ich ein Meeting aufzeichnen und wenn ja, was mache ich dann damit? Dabei sprechen wir auch über Erfahrungen und Stolpersteine, damit das nächste Meeting mit Teams ein schöner Erfolg wird.


categorie: Best practices

Level: Intermediate

Language: German

Speaker: René de la Motte


Microsoft Power Automate beginner and evangelism

In this session, I will walk endusers through some flows which solve real-world problems like automating their processes of organizing the work around their work (the things they spend time with although they don’t add value or don’t drive customer success). I absolutely promise that you don’t need to know anything about Power Automate but will be able to build meaningfull stuff after 50 minutes.

Presentation Benefits:
As Microsoft tries to foster Citizen Development with its Power Platform (Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agent, Power BI), I will open a door for all those endusers who don’t believe, whats achieveable for them.

Top 3 Highlights of Attending this Session:

1. solve 3 realworld problems with Power Automate

2. become a #LearnItAll

3. Break inner barriers


categorie: Development

Level: Introductory and overview

Language: German

Speaker: Luise Freese (MVP)



Microsoft Teams Governance: Can we allow everyone to create a Team in Office 365?

Are you a member of so many Teams that you can’t keep up with all the notifications, although Microsoft’s recommended maximum number of Team memberships is only five? If that’s the case, I guess everyone can create Teams. However, that’s not necessarily wrong, but how can you manage it?

During my session, I’ll discuss what a good governance strategy could look like and which simple three settings you can implement to achieve adoption WITHOUT uncontrolled growth.

Join my session to learn about
– Allow or deny: Does it make sense to regulate the creation of a team or a group?
– How many and which governance guidelines do I need?
– Proposed Governance Strategies for Office 365 Groups and Microsoft Teams


categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Intermediate

Language: German

Speaker: Robert Mulsow (MVP)



Office 365 – Performance Insights

Die alten Strategien beim Betrieb von IT-Landschaften funktionieren bei Office 365 nicht mehr. Bestenfalls sind die Services nur langsam, im schlimmsten Fall gefährden sie die Sicherheit.
In dieser Session gehe ich der Frage nach, was muss beachten werden wenn sie ihre On-prem IT ‘Cloud ready’ gestalten wollen.

dmTech – Best Practice

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Advanced

Language: German

Speaker: Hagen Deike



OneDrive and Microsoft Teams: A collaboration powerhouse!

Collaboration. We all do it. Sometimes continuously. Internally and externally. Using Microsoft Teams we can provide our business users with an integrated collaboration experience. With OneDrive we can manage and share files securely and seamlessly. By combining these two services users can supercharge their productivity, and have fun at the same time!
Jasper Oosterveld, Microsoft MVP & Modern Workplace Consultant, provides practical guidance in combining OneDrive and Microsoft Teams. You can expect a variety of topics being discussed from use cases, governance, adoption and many demo’s.


categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Introductory and overview

Language: English

Speaker: Jasper Oosterveld (MVP)



Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Change Management

Moderator: Raphael
Teilnehmer: Jörg Grave & Markus Kawollek & Meike Holle

Thema: Ohne digitale Arbeitsplätze keine digitale Transformation……?

* Wie definiert sich ein digitaler Arbeitsplatz? Gibt es ein Messkriterium?
* Wo beginnt die digitale Transformation und wo endet sie aktuell und warum?
* Was benötigt der Anwender? (Sicht IT-Leiter, Sicht Berater, Sicht Anwender?)


categorie: Best practices

Level: Advanced

Language: German

Speaker: Jörg Grave & Markus Kawollek


Power BI Governance & Best Practices

Business users are already using Power BI, it doesn’t matter if IT department is ready for supporting that. Thinking about it, from Admin to another Admin I’ll be sharing few learned lessons, best practices why should we dedicate our attention on the Power BI Admin Center.

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Advanced

Language: English

Speaker: Sara Barbosa (MVP)



Teams and Yammer – The dream team in your organisation

Are you overwhelmed by the possibilites of Yammer and Teams and by their seemingly large overlap of features? Both tools are dedicated to support the information flow and the collaboration in your company. But what if your end-users aren’t sure where to share their information or where to start a conversation? 

We will consider the following aspects:

– Modern Workplace, Collaboration and Teamwork in an enterprise scenario
– Feature comparison between Yammer and Teams
– Developing an employee focused communication strategy
– Live Demo of exemplary use cases

We will discuss the conditions for a coexistence of Yammer and Teams and develop a checklist to develop your individual communication strategy

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Introductory and overview

Language: English

Speaker: Sara Barbosa (MVP)



The story of SharePoint and Microsoft Teams – An important relationship

After attending this session, you will understand how SharePoint and Microsoft Teams are connected on a architectural level and also learn best practices regarding how to use these two services together for a better experience.

categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Advanced

Language: English

Speaker: Adam Deltinger (MVP)



Things I learned while building a product on SharePoint Modern

Building a product is an awesome thing to do. You can look at it as a never-ending project. Each day, you try to make the product better, implement new features and functionality, but that comes with challenges. We are building on top of another platform. Which means we have to keep up with new capabilities, changing APIs, or even breaking changes.

In this session, I will tell you more about my story of what I learned or encountered while I was building a product on top of SharePoint. It gives you some insights on how you can cope with these changes and how you can apply it to your projects. As not every one of you is building a product, this session is still in your interest. As changes to the platform will keep happening, you better be prepared for these changes. This session will help you understand the impact that it can have on your projects.

You will learn more about SharePoint Framework, Azure, and Office 365 development. All of this will be highlighted by various demos.


categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Advanced

Language: English

Speaker: Adam Deltinger (MVP)



Things I learned while building a product on SharePoint Modern

Building a product is an awesome thing to do. You can look at it as a never-ending project. Each day, you try to make the product better, implement new features and functionality, but that comes with challenges. We are building on top of another platform. Which means we have to keep up with new capabilities, changing APIs, or even breaking changes.

In this session, I will tell you more about my story of what I learned or encountered while I was building a product on top of SharePoint. It gives you some insights on how you can cope with these changes and how you can apply it to your projects. As not every one of you is building a product, this session is still in your interest. As changes to the platform will keep happening, you better be prepared for these changes. This session will help you understand the impact that it can have on your projects.

You will learn more about SharePoint Framework, Azure, and Office 365 development. All of this will be highlighted by various demos.


categorie: Development

Level: Intermediate

Language: English

Speaker: Elio Struyf (MVP)



Using the Microsoft Graph for the reluctant IT Pro

As IT professionals, we use PowerShell to interact with Microsoft 365. Most of the services in the platform provide us with some PowerShell modules, but there’s still much to be desired. Ever tried to create a new Planner task with PowerShell or try to retrieve mails from a mailbox?
If you’ve been watching the developer space however, you probably came across the Microsoft Graph. That’s what the cool kids use! It’s a powerful gateway to the data and intelligence of the entire Microsoft 365 ecosystem. SharePoint, OneDrive, Azure AD, Teams or even Advanced Threat Protection – you name it: the Microsoft Graph can connect you to it. This session will teach you the basics, talk briefly about authentication, demonstrate what you can do with it and how to connect to it with PowerShell. We’ll provide you with the tools you need to get started, as well as some cool tips & tricks that would not be possible with regular PowerShell.


categorie: IT-Pro

Level: Intermediate

Language: English

Speaker: Thomas Vochten (MVP)
